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Olympic pool

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spring Bulbs

I absolutely love the seasons. Every Autumn day is a colorful jewel with ever-changing colors. The brilliant blue October skies with puffy white clouds serve to inspire. The morning and evening light cast shadows so brilliantly defined that they illuminate a simple leaf into a thing of absolute beauty - it is the perfect time of year for taking photographs. 

The brisk air tinged with wood smoke makes walking a pleasure. Even rainy days have a cozy feel to them prompting a nesting instinct - to bake, to change to flannel sheets, to decorate a room in Autumnal colors of burgundy and oranges.  But another favorite part of Fall is to peruse the garden stores for Spring bulbs. 

Today I bought the last of my bulbs and will plant in the next few days so that their beauty will dazzle us five months from now.  The tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, crocus will develop and unfold on a daily basis throughout April and May  - creating a sense of wonder.    

Whatever you believe (science or god based), however this world was created we are blessed and fortunate to live in a world of such diverse colors and not in a gray two-tone existence. Seems that people are always looking for miracles, but here’s the deal - they are already here right outside your door - in the dirt, in the trees, the flowers -  each a miracle in itself.

*If you have not tried forcing bulbs inside during the winter months - give it a try. Just google the topic or ask at your local garden center for advice.

*Visit Kingwood Center Gardens in Mansfield Ohio in early spring for a real treat! Tap on the tulip photos to go directly to their web-site.

*One of my favorite books that got me interested in gardening was the daily journal/memoir by poet and novelist May Sarton - “The House by the Sea”

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